Casting Our Anchors into Eternity

Are you stable or are you not? where in lies your belief, where in do you rely onto for strength? Faith, you say, but do you really have faith? If yes, in what? Or In who? the sea-bed won't hold. for grounds continually shift. Earthquakes happen and tectonic plates will surely move. your "bed" will … Continue reading Casting Our Anchors into Eternity

Conflict of Interest

From the rest of the universe down to mother nature, there are always fluxes in order to attain the right balance. Straying from an ideal walk with God, we are create such fluxes. But God's grace would be quick to nudge you into the right balance.

War logic

Why do we fight each other? Man against man...? You may have a perfectly good reason, and i might logically concede to that,but do we have to come to that point of taking another life? War logic is something to think about. Stay blessed as you dig in 🙂 .